

Lewis 盖尔 was selected to serve as dean of the 埃伯哈特商学院 following a robust national 搜索.

刘易斯R. 盖尔, who has guided the 埃伯哈特商学院 through varied opportunities and challenges in several roles, 在5月29日第二次被任命为院长.

盖尔曾两次担任院长, 两次担任临时院长,并在商学院任教五年.

“Lewis 盖尔 is a Pacific academic leader of the highest order: a smart and enthusiastic executive, a tireless and creative educator and one who is always looking ahead to identify emerging job markets,博彩平台网址大全校长克里斯托弗·卡拉汉说. “But most importantly, he cares deeply about the experience and ultimate success of our students. 我们有幸请到盖尔院长领导埃伯哈特学院.”

Gretchen edwards - gilbert补充道, provost and executive vice president for academic affairs: “Dean 盖尔 is committed to student success at all levels; on his office desk, 他有个小牌子,上面写着, ‘and this would be good for students because …’ which really captures his commitment to the student-centric mission at Pacific.”

盖尔 shared his thoughts on the new challenges and opportunities ahead in a question-and-answer session.


盖尔: I went back to the faculty for five years and had the chance to teach creative classes and design new courses. 我支持学校的发展方向. I also got to know 主席卡拉汉 and appreciated his focus on student success. 所有这些都促使我在院长职位空缺时考虑过这个职位. 但这次没有有趣的标题. The last time I was named Pacific dean, The Record’s headline was: “盖尔 takes Pacific by storm.”


盖尔: The president brought us (faculty) together in 2021 to talk about the summer institute he was starting (for high school students). He told us, “I want you to get innovative and tell me about creative new classes.“所以我写了六篇课程描述,他最后选了五篇来用. I saw the opportunity to engage students with us early and demonstrate our commitment to them. 今天,我们已经确认了参加暑期课程的学生. Our job now is to ensure their success by assisting them as they progress through their degrees.

埃伯哈特商学院 students are treated to "pancakes with the dean" during Week of Welcome in 2023.

盖尔 serves pancakes to students at "pancakes with the dean" during Week of Welcome in 2023. 


盖尔: 我很高兴我们把体育管理引入了我们的学校. It is a small-but-mighty group doing some great things with energetic students and faculty. 体育分析也为我们的学生创造了机会. With all our majors, your solid core is a bachelor’s of science in business administration. I developed the first esports business class which uses skills in esports and video gaming to reinforce the skills needed in business. The course led to the creation of the Pacific Gaming Center and now we could build synergies to educate students and meet the students where they are. I formed a task force in spring to develop a new major in hotel and hospitality management which would launch in partnership with the new Pacific Inn. We are also increasing our appeal to international students with compelling graduate degrees that have driven our enrollment growth.

你父亲对你的职业生涯影响很大. 分享一些他的故事.

盖尔: 我父亲来自南新泽西一个贫穷的家庭. The only options for him were either be a clammer and fisherman or work in a glass bottling facility. When he was 17, he lied about his age so he could join the Army and fight in the Korean War. 从服役归来, he realized the world was bigger than what was in South New Jersey so he headed west for community college in California. He wanted to be an accountant, and he spent every day for years working to improve his skills. He was admitted to Golden Gate University in San Francisco and attended classes that were held in the old YMCA building. 他在那里完成了学位,成为了一名注册会计师. As early as I can remember, I saw his degree and CPA certification on the wall of his office. 我爸爸是我的英雄,我想成为像他一样的人. 毫无疑问,我一定会上大学并完成学业.

盖尔 with President Christopher Callahan at the "dunk the dean" tank during Admitted Student Day in 2022.

盖尔 with President Christopher Callahan at "dunk the dean" during Admitted Student Day in 2022. 

你的孩子小刘易斯. 24岁和19岁的玛德琳都毕业于博彩平台网址大全. 他们的大学经历有多特别?

盖尔: Our son has been able to study business analytics and play water polo for the Tigers and he will continue into graduate studies at Pacific. Our daughter, after originally not wanting to stay in Stockton to attend Pacific, thrived here. She lived on campus all four years, was a Delta Gamma sorority sister, and a Tiger Dancer. My wife, Candice, and I are proud parents and we have been pleased with their college experience.

有三十年的高等教育经验, 你对大学教育的价值有强烈的感觉.

盖尔: Nobody will ever get an answer out of me that says anything except that college is worthwhile. 证据清楚地表明,它仍然是最好的人力资本投资. We are not in the business of simply “training people” but rather we are educating learners to be critical thinkers and learn on their own when confronted with change. For example, we have alumni who came out into the workforce using a slide rule. And then they had to adapt to calculators and personal computers to continue to be productive. Today we have students who have grown up with multiple electronic devices and will soon be going into a world with analytics and generative AI in every functional area in business. 我们必须站在这一教育前沿的最前沿,才能保持相关性. A collegiate degree has value when it prepares people to adapt, to be resilient and to succeed. 我为博彩平台网址大全为学生所做的一切感到骄傲.


书: Rush乐队主唱盖迪·李的《博彩平台网址大全排名》

电影: 1977年的《博彩平台网址大全排名》

电视节目: 《博彩平台网址大全排名》之后是《博彩平台网址大全排名》

食物: “给我一个烧烤芝士汉堡”

隐藏的人才: “我演奏四种乐器.(吉他,贝斯吉他,键盘和尤克里里.他还和年轻时的朋友们在一个乐队里.