McGeorge faculty founder of first MPA 和 MPP 项目 at a U.S. law school retires leaving indelible legacy at 麦克乔治法学院

Dr. 约翰Kirlin, who led McGeorge’s 2016 groundbreaking creation of the first-ever 公共管理硕士(MPA) 和 公共政策硕士 项目 to be housed in a U.S. 法学院,已从法学院退休.

In 2015, Kirlin joined the McGeorge community with the express goal of creating a distinctive MPA 和 MPP program. Having both worked in the field 和 taught for more than 30 years, Kirlin saw an opportunity to arm graduates with the 法律 knowledge they need to be effective government leaders 和 policy advocates. 200mcgeorge MPA和MPP 学生[JK1]  后来,他独特的远见被证明是正确的.

Kirlin’s prior academic experience included roles at the University of Southern California (USC) 和 Indiana University, 和 he had real world experience in executive roles with the California Resources Agency. 值得注意的是, 南加州大学, Kirlin was the inaugural holder of the first endowed chair in the USC School of Public Administration.

在他令人印象深刻的学术生涯中, he authored more than 100 journal articles 和 book chapters 和 13 books. In addition, he founded 和 edited the influential 和 prestigious 加州的政策选择.

作为执行董事, Kirlin also spearheaded the Marine Life Protection Act Initiative, developing the foundational structures 和 processes for the Blue Ribbon Task Force, 区域利益相关者小组, 以及科学顾问小组. 在第一次试播的结尾, the Fish 和 Game Commission established 29 Marine Protected Areas along the Central Coast. Three more iterations led to the creation of 124 marine protection areas along California's coast, 这是全球独一无二的成就. Kirlin then served as Executive Director of Delta Vision, 这是蓝丝带特遣部队两年的努力, 科学顾问, 涉众的过程, 以及由国家机构首脑组成的咨询小组. The resulting Delta Vision Strategic Plan informed passage of a package of five bills in the 2009 legislative session, creating new policies shaping sustainable water resource use 和 ecosystem functions, 和 creating a new Delta Stewardship Council to review proposed water 和 ecosystem projects for conformity with those policies.

利用他丰富的背景, which includes being an elected member of the National Academy of Public Administration 和 serving as an environmental policy advisor to various governmental bodies such as the U.S. 国会, 环境保护署, 和美国国家海洋和大气管理局, Kirlin brought a combination of academic prestige 和 实用, h和s-on expertise to his role as the founding director of McGeorge's 公共管理硕士(MPA)公共政策硕士 项目.

“[Kirlin] accomplished about everything that you can accomplish in his field, 实用, 理论, 面向学生的, 面向学术, 他都做到了. What can he do at McGeorge to add to the list of his accomplishments? [柯林]来这里不是为了得到什么. 他来这里是为了付出很多. 在他来的这段时间里, he is given a great deal in starting these 项目,前院长,现任法学教授 弗朗西斯Mootz 说.

博士照片. 约翰Kirlin

Dr. 约翰Kirlin is the creator of the first MPP 和 MPA 项目 at a law school in the U.S. 阿什利·高利奇摄.

The MPA 和 MPP curriculum offer a rigorous blend of policy, 法律, 以及领导力教育, aiming to empower 学生 to address multifaceted societal challenges. The program is different from other MPA 和 MPP 项目 for requiring courses in law, 系统性的改变, 专注于加州的治理. Furthermore, 学生 can pursue interdisciplinary concentrations, including Environmental & Water Policy, Capital Policy Making, Public 和 Non-profit Leadership.

Kirlin directed the MPA 和 MPP 项目 from 2015 to 2021, after which he transitioned to a full-time faculty position. 在这个角色中, he shared his expertise by teaching core program courses such as Public Policy: Conflicted, 复杂的, 不确定和顶点:战略, 实现.

在2024年5月,Kirlin被授予Chester A. Newl和 Academic Excellence Award at the ASPA Sacramento Chapter's 42nd Annual Awards Dinner. 该奖项颁发给一名大学生, 老师, 管理员, or organization that has demonstrated scholarship 和 leadership in public administration or a closely related field of study, or that has made a noteworthy contribution to the education of public 管理员s.

“这所法学院庆祝百年校庆, that's an amazing accomplishment 和 I'm hopeful that it's still here in another hundred years. I'm hopeful this program [MPA 和 MPP] gets to succeed a hundred years. I'm just grateful to be part of it 和 I'm looking forward to it now,柯林在他的退休庆典上说道.


MPA和MPP的校友庆祝博士. 约翰Kirlin on April 26, 2024, at his retirement celebration. 阿什利·高利奇摄.

为了纪念柯林的遗产, MPA和MPP教师,由 Dr. 杰弗里·迈克尔Dr. 马西Paolinelli, established the 约翰Kirlin 奖学金 which will support incoming 和 current MPA 和 MPP 学生 that demonstrate a commitment to public service.

“John’s is immensely proud of the success of the 175 graduates of this unique program, 和 the legacy of the Kirlin scholarship will inspire 和 support even more 学生 launch 和 advance meaningful careers in public service,——杰弗里·迈克尔, 公共政策项目主任说.

For more information about 麦克乔治法学院, visit 我们的网站.


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