博彩平台网址大全 alumni are always welcomed to use the library 和 its resources.


校友 are welcome to use the library building. On days when the library is open after 6:00 p.m., only current Pacific students, faculty, 和 staff can enter the building after that time.


校友 can ask librarians re搜索-related questions. For information about when a librarian is available, see our 研究帮助页面


校友 have access to the entire library collection of over 234,000+ print 书, 和 periodicals.  Pacific 校友 can borrow 书 using their 博彩平台网址大全 alumni card 和 a valid picture ID (driver's license state issued ID). 校友 cards can be obtained from the Vereschagin 校友的房子 或通过电子邮件: pacificalumni@taoscabin.com.


  • 总签出: 一次读10本书
  • 贷款期限: 大多数书是28天
  • 更新: 一次28天的续订


多维数据集 is a digital makerspace that provides access to an array of 3D technologies, including Virtual Reality head-mounted displays (HMDs), Virtual Reality capable computers 和 3D modeling software, 360º相机, 和3D打印机.


Licensure agreements for many journal article databases permit 搜索ing within the library facility by 校友. Please contact the library if you have specific questions about online resources. Popular 开放获取 databases include:

生物中心期刊 — BioMed Central provides a collection of free, 开放获取, mostly peer reviewed re搜索 articles from over 100 biomedical, 医学, 健康, biology 和 biotechnology related online journals. (Note: For a few journals, only the re搜索 content is free.)

California Digital 新闻paper Collection — 的 California Digital 新闻paper Collection contains over 1,500,000 pages of significant historical California newspapers published from 1846-present.

Calisphere — University of California — Calisphere provides free access to unique 和 historically important artifacts for re搜索, 教学, 好奇的探索. 包括一百万张照片, 文档, 信, 艺术作品, 日记, 口述历史, 电影, 广告, 音乐录音, 和更多的.

开放存取 -开放存取期刊目录

HathiTrust — HathiTrust is a partnership of academic & 研究机构, offering a collection of millions of titles digitized from libraries around the world.

— HEARTH is a core electronic collection of 书 和 journals in 首页 Economics 和 related disciplines

国际金融统计 — IMF monitors member country policies as well as national, 区域, 和 global economic 和 financial developments through a formal system known as surveillance.

互联网档案馆 — A non-profit library of millions of free 书, movies, software, music, websites 和更多的.

JSTOR开放存取电子书 — Thous和s of titles are now available from publishers such as University of California Press, 康奈尔大学出版社, 纽约大学出版社, 和密歇根大学出版社. 的se 开放获取 书 are freely available for anyone in the world to use.

加州在线档案 — Provides free public access to detailed descriptions of primary resource collections maintained by more than 200 contributing institutions including libraries, 特殊的集合, 档案, 历史的社会, 和 museums throughout California 和 collections maintained by the 10 University of California (UC) campuses.

开放教科书图书馆 — 的 开放教科书图书馆 is supported by the Center for Open Education 和 the Open Text书 Network. 的se 书 can be downloaded for no cost, or printed at low cost 和 have been reviewed by faculty from a variety of colleges 和 universities to assess their quality.

佩德罗 — 佩德罗 is the Physiotherapy Evidence Database, 一个超过41个的免费数据库,000个随机试验, systematic reviews 和 clinical practice guidelines in physiotherapy.

公共医学中心 — Repository of articles produced with the support of NIH re搜索 grants 和 made publically available within 12 months of publication. Note: Not all titles 和 articles are available in full text.

University of California Digital 图书馆 — 的 California Digital 图书馆 provides transformative digital library services, grounded in campus partnerships 和 extended through external collaborations that amplify the impact of the libraries, 奖学金, 和 resources of the University of California.

Holt-Atherton 特别馆藏及档案

University 特别馆藏及档案 可预约开放. 这包括访问他们的 手稿, 数字集合. 特别收藏及保鲜品, collects 和 provides access to collections with focus on California, American 历史 和 the 博彩平台网址大全


博彩平台网址大全 学术共享 includes online access to both published 和 unpublished works by the 博彩平台网址大全 community including journal articles, 书, 书的章节, 论文, 论文, 报告, 会议论文集, 教学材料, 数据集, 大学的出版物, 和 digital 和 multimedia collections. Contributions to this repository showcase the intellectual 和 creative output of 博彩平台网址大全 faculty, 学生及教职员, ensuring long-term preservation 和 worldwide electronic accessibility. For more information please contact the 存储库管理员.


为校友提供额外福利, 包括网络, 校园活动和校友旅行, 请浏览 太平洋校友会.